Get this fucking guy a drummer

Sometimes I question if the explosion of Black Metal releases over the last ten years is due to the introduction of passable recording technology. Insurmountable barriers of the past, such as a four track, mics, and something resembling a drum kit are smashed by the forced march of progress. Every idea is now capable of achieving a releasable state without fear of being Sarcofago’d by the unwashed masses. Production as an art is lost the winds of history when you can EQ match an album you’re worshiping and shit like a bear all over Bandcamp.

I know this because I do it too.

So what we have here is Repentless Evil, the fifth EP and seventh release by Exorcism Wounds. Three quick hits of blistering Black Thrash pushed through what appears to be a stock VST amp and pulled forward by what I assume is a pirated version of Superior Drummer. It’s a testament to the value of the internet, where a single voice can continue to pump out work with no fanfare, nor worry about label promotion. The raw idea is put to ‘tape’, and a cover image scoured from Google images. The 20’s version of a white logo on black construction paper.

That voice has something here, though. Deft riffing, an ear for the give and take of composition needed to maintain energy in a track, and a concept beyond aping one singular band. Though the third track wanders into Norsecore territory, you can sense that there is an appreciation for pure speed that wants to be let loose. Dude’s not nearly as in love with himself as Aura Noir, and that’s exactly what this type of music needs.

I’d like to hear more, with full instrumentation and a live drummer. There’s energy in these songs that would likely translate well if they were ever given the care of even a half-assed garage demo treatment.

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